2018年7月20日(金)に、応用地質株式会社様に会場を提供いただき、 第104回チャプターミーティングが開催されました。約20人の方に参加いただき、以下2件の講演を聴講しました。
- 話題提供1
- 「岩盤応力測定を目的とした新しい水圧破砕測定法の紹介」 by 横山幸也氏(応用地質)
- 話題提供2
- 「地中レーダ探査へのAI(機械学習)利用例」 by 山下善弘(応用地質)
- 開催日時
- 2018年3月22日(木) 15:30 – 17:30
- 開催場所
- 三井石油開発株式会社 本社10階プレゼンテーション室(東京都港区西新橋1-2-9 日比谷セントラルビル)
- 講演タイトル1
- タイ陸上鉱区におけるJet Pumpを用いた増油の試み
- 講演者1
- 樋口尚秀氏
- 講演タイトル2
- 機械学習手法を用いた貯留岩性状評価の取組紹介:ノルウェー・バレンツ海の例
- 講演者2
- 坂本亮氏
- 開催日
- 2017年10月11~12日
- 開催場所
- 石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構 石油開発技術本部(JOGMEC-TRC)
- Special Session
- 招待講演者
- Dr. Satoru Takahashi(JOGMEC) & Mr. Noriaki Shimokata(JX)
- 講演件数
- 26件(Technical Presentation Only)
- 参加者人数
- 約100人
- 今次シンポジウムでは、SPWLA前会長、新会長、SPWLA Asia region director、並びにSPWLA Indonesia chapter Presidentを含め約100人の参加者に、意見交換・ネットワーキングを楽しんで頂きました。また、JFESボードメンバー改選結果も報告されました。皆様ご参加ありがとうございました。
In thus symposium, around 90 peoples, including SPWLA post-presitent, current president, SPWLA asia regison director, and president of SPWLA Indonesia chapter, joined and enjoyed technical discussion and networking. Thaks for joining us!
According to By-Laws for JFES, new board member for the period of 2017-2019 were elected. The list of new board member is available at “About Us” Page.
- Date & Time:
- July 14, 2017, 15:30 -17:30
- Venue:
- Talk 1:
- “‘Gas Effect’ re-visit”
- Speaker 1:
- Talk 2:
- “History of Oil Prices and Change in Oil Reservoirs and Petrophysics”
- Speaker 2:
- Shin’ichi SAKURAI
- Date & Time:
- March 30, 2017, 15:30 – 17:30
- Venue:
- Talk 1:
- “Long-term AE Monitoring for Geomechanical Surveillance of Reservoir and Seal Integrity”
- Speaker 1:
- Talk 2:
- “Estimating Permeability Using Pore-throat Distribution From Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry”
- Speaker 2:
- Takashi TSUJI (JAPEX)
- Date & Time:
- December 6, 2016, 15:30 -17:30
- Venue:
- JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration
- Talk 1:
- “Application of real-time drilling fluid analysis service for reservoir fluid characterization during exploration drilling”
- Speaker 1:
- Chai Zhenjie (JX)
- Talk 2:
- “Key findings from different vintage seismic data in 1992 and in 2015”
- Speaker 2:
- Kaoru Yamaguchi (JX)
- Date
- September 29-30, 2016
- Venu
- Special Session
- Evolving E&P technologies
- Invited Speakers
- Dr. Makoto Miyairi (Former JFES President), Dr. Haruya Nakata (GERD President), & Dr. Yasuhiro Yamada (ODS Director, JAMSTEC)
- # of Presentations
- 23 oral presentations
In this year’s symposium papers, Paper JFES-2016-P, “UNDERSTANDING LWD QUADRUPOLE SHEAR IN ANISOTROPIC ENVIRONMENTS” by Matthew Blyth(SLB), Naoki Sakiyama, Ryohei Iritani, Hiroaki Yamamoto and Henri-Pierre Valero(SKK) was selected as Best Paper
- Date & Time:
- July 6, 2016, 15:30 – 17:30
- Venue:
- Waseda University
- Talk 1:
- “Development of Optimization Programs for Saving Labor and Cost”
- Speaker 1:
- Masanori Kurihara (Waseda Univ.)
- Talk 2:
- “Review and Analysis of Zonal Isolation Effectiveness in Carbonate Reservoirs Using Multi-Stage Stimulation Systems”
- Speaker 2:
- Kenji Furui (Waseda Univ.)
- Date & Time:
- March 16, 2016, 15:30 – 17:30
- Venue:
- Schlumberger, Tokyo Office
- Talk 1:
- “Determination of Wettability from Magnetic Resonance Relaxation and Diffusion Measurements on Fresh-State Cores”
- Speaker 1:
- Chanh Cao Minh (SLB)
- Talk 2:
- “Overview of Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing for Oilfield Industry”
- Speaker 2:
- Toru Ikegami (SLB)
- Date & Time:
- January 29, 2016, 15:30 – 17:30
- Venue:
- Mitsubishi Corporation Exploration (MCX)
- Talk 1:
- “Emerging Shale Gas Technology”
- Speaker 1:
- Yu Nakamura (MCX)
- Talk 2:
- “NMR Applications in Petroleum Engineering: Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Experimental Study”
- Speaker 2:
- Nobuhito Yoshitani (MCX)
- Date & Time:
- July 13, 2015, 15:30 – 17:30
- Venue:
- JAMSTEC Hibiya Central Building
- Talk 1:
- “Well logging for science drilling at D/V Chikyu”
- Speaker 1:
- Yoshinori Sanada (JAMSTEC)
- Talk 2:
- “Data integration: Challenges of R&D Center for Drilling Science”
- Speaker 2:
- Yasuhiro Yamada (JAMSTEC)
- Date & Time:
- March 4, 2015, 15:30 – 17:30
- Venue:
- Mitsui Oil Exploration Co., Ltd.
- Talk 1:
- “Petroleum exploration and development of fluvial sandstone reservoirs in the northern Phitsanulok Basin, onshore Thailand”
- Speaker 1:
- Katsuro Moriyama (MOECO)
- Talk 2:
- “Current situation of shale gas development in US”
- Speaker 2:
- Takeshi Onishi (MOECO)
Past News, 2003 – 2017
Activity List(Table View)
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